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Shadow Era For Mac

rabirochu1982 2020. 3. 22. 20:06

Hold option before opening the shadow era application.That worked, also I saw there was a checkbox that says 'only show this option on login if option is pressed', which I disabled. However, as DaddyisHere noted, in Windowed mode the window is larger than my monitor and I can barely play the game because I only have about 4 pixels of the end turn button showing. Since I can't see the bottom of the window, I can't resize it to make it smaller either and for some reason the resize from the top is disabled.

  1. Best Mac Matte Eyeshadows

I can play at lower resolution, but then. Lower resolution. Ah well, guess I'll drop a line about the window size in the bug forum. But thanks Backer main problem solved!

Developer: Wulven Game Studios Platform: Web / PC / Mac / iPhone / iPad / Android Price: Free to play and download Genre: TCG (Trading Card Game) Where:, Android Market, or Apple applicable store. About Shadow Era is an online, multiplayer, free to play collectible trading card game. It features deep strategy, easy gameplay, and gorgeous card art. Features. Currently 400 cards (with another 200 on the way) and new cards being added constantly. Cross-platform multiplayer battles. Deck building.

Rankings and Leaderboards. Merchant: Buy and sell cards for gold earned ingame.

Free to play, low cost to expand Q: How much does it cost? A: All versions will be free to play, featuring the option to earn new cards through gameplay or purchase additional booster packs. Packs of 15 cards can be purchased for $0.99, using in-game gold, or by completing special 'trial offers' from SuperRewards. Q: What do you get for free? A: When you first start the game, you can choose your starting Hero, from Warrior, Hunter, Mage, or Priest.

The class you choose will determine which free class deck of 30 cards you will begin the game with. It is entirely possible to continue playing the game indefinitely without having to pay anything, and still remain competitive. Each time you level up, you will also earn Shadow Crystals that are used to buy booster packs or special class decks.

And just like regular TCGs, you can fully play the game with only the free starter deck, however by purchasing the booster packs you can get rare cards, and many different expansions will be offered in the future with a lot of new card series. The game also features a trading system, where you can sell your unwanted cards for gold, and buy new cards using your in-game gold. Q: What is the gameplay like? A: Shadow Era is inspired by more strategic card games such as Magic the Gathering and World of Warcraft Trading Card Game. You will build a deck from a total of 400 unique cards with some of the most amazing art you have ever seen. Complete missions against the Shadow Warriors, or battle against other players to gain experience, and win Shadow Crystals to buy new card packs each time you level up!

The core card game is most similar to the WoW TCG. Each side has a main Hero character, and you can recruit Allies to join the battle. The objective is simply to kill the enemy Hero, but obviously the challenge is to also keep your own Hero alive. Should you take out the enemy Allies first, or go straight for the Hero?

Shadow Era For Mac

That's for you to decide. To further add to the strategy, there are weapon and armor cards to improve your Hero's stats, as well as ability and spell cards. Beyond the core game, there is a RPG style level progression and tournament ladder. You can complete missions against the Shadow Warriors, or challenge other players in a multiplayer battle. Q: What are the icons on the cards? A: Top left: Casting cost.

In Shadow Era, each turn you can choose to sacrifice a card to gain energy, that will allow to to bring new cards into play. Top right: Class restrictions. The icon identifies this card as only being available to Wulven Heroes.

Bottom left: Attack damage. You can choose the target of your attack, and you will do this much damage to them. Bottom right: Health. Be warned that your target will also fight back!

When the card's health drops to 0, the card is removed from play. If you lose your hero, then you have lost the game. Q: What cards come in booster packs? A: Booster Packs contain 15 random cards - 10 common, 3 uncommon, 1 rare or epic, and 1 hero card (which a small chance of a legendary). Videos Screenshots. Glad you made a thread about this! I just downloaded it on my iPad and I am already hooked.

There is definitely room for improvement but the core game is really great. Would be nice to at least see more varied normal attack animations. There should at least be unique ones between hero classes when attacking with an equipped weapon. Instead of my Mage attacking with the stock sword animation. The spells and such do sometimes have some nice effects.

I like using the rain delay ne just because it looks damn nice on the iPad And yeah the pay model is very nice. I didnt expect you to be able to buy new cards with in game gold. And the resell rates are actually really fair. I will probably buy 1 or 2 packs but otherwise it seems really easy to play for free.

$10 - CLASS STARTER DECK Your choice of a preconstructed CLASS STARTER DECK which includes 60 cards and 1 booster pack. Plus a BONUS of 1,300 Shadow Crystals in the digital game!

(Please add $2 for international shipping outside of US & Canada) $20 - YOU AND A FRIEND Your choice of two preconstructed CLASS STARTER DECKS which includes 2 booster packs. Plus a BONUS of 2,700 Shadow Crystals in the digital game! (Please add $3 for international shipping outside of US & Canada) $40 - BOOSTER BOX Includes 24 BOOSTER PACKS of 15 cards each, including random uncommon, rare and epic cards. Plus a BONUS of 5,800 Shadow Crystals in the digital game! (Outside the US, please add shipping of $10 to Canada, $20 international) $90 - 10x CLASS STARTER DECKS All 10 CLASS STARTER DECKS which includes 10 booster packs. Plus a BONUS of 13,300 Shadow Crystals in the digital game!

(Outside the US, please add shipping of $10 to Canada, $20 international) $100 - COLLECTOR'S EDITION For the collector, this package includes EVERY CARD in the game, including all common, uncommon, rare and epic cards. This is a total of 200 cards, and only offered this one time! And of course, a BONUS of 15,000 Shadow Crystals in the digital game!

(Outside the US, please add shipping of $10 to Canada, $20 international) $150 - EPIC COLLECTION All 10 CLASS STARTER DECKS which includes 10 booster packs, and TWO BOOSTER BOXES for another 48 booster packs. Also includes a custom high quality PLAYMAT featuring art from the game, plus a BONUS of 22,500 Shadow Crystals in the digital game! (Outside the US, please add shipping of $20 to Canada, $40 international) $300 - COMPLETE PLAYSET For the serious collector, this package includes 4x EVERY CARD in the game, including all common, uncommon, rare and epic cards. This is a total of 800 cards, and only offered this one time!

Shadow era for mac download

Also includes a special limited edition, high quality PLAYMAT featuring art from the game. And of course, a BONUS of 45,000 Shadow Crystals in the digital game!

(Outside the US, please add shipping of $20 to Canada, $40 international). Level 1 - SC Bonus To start off, we're going to match all pre-orders with the equivalent amount of Shadow Crystals in the digital game. That's right, you'll get the Shadow Crystals immediately, and then essentially the physical cards are free! Level 2 - SC Codes - $20,000 Wow!

We reached the first goal in just a few days. Now we'll be able to include a generated code in each deck and booster pack to redeem online for the equivalent amount of Shadow Crystals in the digital game. That means you'll get codes to double your SC bonus! Level 3 - Foil Cards - $30,000 What game is complete without rare and epic foil cards? When we reach this goal, everyone will get 1 copy of each foiled card we do, for free! (limit 1 per household) The Collector's Edition and Complete Playset will also be built with the foil cards.

Level 4 - Playmats - $40,000 When we reach this goal, everyone will get a limited edition playmat! Made from the same material as mouse pads, it will feature high quality original art from Shadow Era (limit 1 per household, we'll have a vote to choose the image, different from the Epic Collection and Complete Playset playmats) TBD Posters, collector's tins, special tokens and counters, and lots more are waiting as bonuses. I play this game a ton.like a ton a ton. Really annoyed with this current version of the game, however.

While I appreciate what they were trying to do by making hero abilities more meaningful and game-changing, they've basically made 3 heroes worth playing. Eldawyn - Logan - Darkclaw Now of course I can beat people playing these decks, but as it sits right now the abilities and card combinations with these decks are a bit strong. Eldawyn can lay on the damage fast, but requires a draw engine of somekind to be effective. If you can cut her cards you can beat her.

Logan depends on board control through crippling blow and his natural, and it's not easily countered if you have an ally heavy deck. Even if you play an item destruction heavy deck there will always be the turn the weapon is cast when Logan can use his ability. Darkclaw requires that you have item destruction to even have a prayer of winning, or just a really bad draw. Because of this, I play Tel Adun with his natural being item destruction. I've always preferred warriors because of their draw engine in Blood Frenzy being balanced by Wrath, and their crippling blow card really messes with a lot of decks. His item destruction can kill a Bazaar that and Eldawyn would play, kill Dual Wield or weapons that Logan is playing, or kill any weapon or ability that Darkclaw relies on to survive. Tel Adun's biggest problem is that Eldawyn can still use Bad Santa to get cards and Logan can still use his weapons immediately on use.

Also any hero that doesn't rely on items so much like Elementals are tough since they have great board control naturally. I kind of feel forced to play Tel Adun, and it kind of sucks. The combinations that exist out there with other heroes are cool, but just aren't competitive. When this version first came out I was 300+ rating, now I keep floating around 250 because I refuse to play with a cookie cutter deck mentioned above. If those three decks were just SLIGHTLY nerfed, I'd be happy. Just make Logan's ability take one extra shadow energy to use.

Make Darkclaw's teeth weapon negatively impacted by Acid Jet. Make Eldawyn's ability back to only affecting allies.

60k was passed (exclusive foil epic neutral ally). The next reward is 80k for custom counters and tokens. Hopefully we somehow reach that and have enough to go for the collector's tin. This is an incredible deal for anyone with even a passing interest in the game. Even with the $10 starter deck you get enough in-game crystals to build a bunch of competitive decks, not to mention getting the physical cards and bonuses. I started playing this game last week and have had a lot of fun so far.

The game is very easy to get into but there's a lot of depth in the deck building. Definitely needs a better UI and a friend list. Well i finally got my physical cards after a long period.

USPS lost my package twice, i got tracking codes for both of them and they went dead between the Warehouse and Australia. I've got to give it to Wulven they still persisted with me and eventually personally took care of it. The cards themselfs are really good quality and is what you would expect from something like Magic: The Gathering.

I only got my 2 main 60 card decks i ordered, 2 booster packs (15 cards each) and 2 packs of Foils (60 cards each). I have yet to receive my tin, counters and mat which i assume is still get it made.

I kind of feel sorry for Wulven, they are probably making these cards at a huge loss. You can buy the physical cards here. Not as good as a deal as the 'Kickstarter'. Anyone still playing this by the way.

I started last year a d played for about a month. Stopped for a long time but got back into it after trying hearthstone it reminded me how good this game was and have gone back to it.

Best Mac Matte Eyeshadows

Used to play priest (mainly because I got a foil zhanna lol). Recently playing elementalis instead and climbing the ranks. Currently 240 rating. Anyway they have their next expansion due. Its in beta and no release date yet but I think its 200 extra cards and the list is available on their site. Looks to be some great new combos and hero's to try when it does arrive.